India Part 1: Landing

I left Germany on Feb 12th and headed for Paris for a short stopover en route to Bengaluru Airport. Many of India's place names are being reclaimed from the colonial days when place names were changed to make them easier to pronounce for the English. The flight from Paris was just under 9 hours so... Continue Reading →

DrumTrek Days 16/17

Having already pitched my tent prior to the Sheffield circle, I was able to land well at Stainsby Festival and hook up again with my partner in crime Nessa, who brought the contents for the space I had erected. Teamwork 😉 This was always going to be a significant stop on the Trek and oh... Continue Reading →

DrumTrek Day 4

July 6th 2015 What a busy day today. I landed in Glasgow last night after the Edinburgh gig and stopped with my very dear friend Dr Jane Bentley. We chilled and chatted and I did some video blogging and then hit the sack for a very good nights sleep. I spent a lazy morning doing... Continue Reading →

DrumTrek Day 2

An early rise to unload and repack the van meant I was ready to roll at 9am....but then the drumming started...Carol and I did a wee bit of playing and I set off about 10.30. I met up with a friend Anna Green in Inverness, who was cycling LEJOG and was having a rest up... Continue Reading →

DrumTrek Day 1

It has begun. After two days of winding my way North from Wiston via Loch Inver ( 412 miles) to John o'Groats through some of Scotland's finest scenery I set off this morning in a deep Haar, on the first leg of DrumTrek. The journey Southward was breathtaking and I witnessed Deer, Red Kite and... Continue Reading →

Money money money

Sometimes a dirty word in these times of Austerity. Sometimes hard to get hold of in the world of Music and Arts where competition for funding increases with every government cut in the sector. Hence DrumTrek. Now there is no getting away from the fact that I am going to have a journey...possibly a life... Continue Reading →

DrumTrek: The Motivation

Questions I have been asked in recent weeks? "Why exactly are you doing this? What do these two charities do?" In 1999 I went to work at Stainsby Festival, a wholly volunteer run event. I had a great time and have since become a member of the Stainsby Family that meets once a year in... Continue Reading →

Venue and location updates

DrumTrek is taking shape. Here are a list of confirmed venues, times and contacts for a drum circle near you. Still a few TBC's but we'll have those for you shortly. Drum Trek is an idea that has sat with me for a while now.... I often dreamed about taking the van and the drums... Continue Reading →

and so it begins…..

DRUMTREK.....Everything that needs to be in place is in place....well, not everything...the van is in the garage and is gonna cost £400 to fix.....oh and the £1600 work contract for June that I had lined up so I could go on the road for a month and not earn anything was cancelled...but apart from that...everything... Continue Reading →

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